华中科技大学能源与动力学院 教授
2007.08—2011.07 中国科学技术大学 高分子材料与工程系,获得学士学位
2011.11—2016 .08 美国圣母大学 机械工程系,获得博士学位(导师罗腾飞)
[1]Nanostructure Enabled Thermal BoundaryResistance Reduction across GaN-Substrate Interfaces, DARPA Young Faculty Award Prog, 50万美金, 2015, Tengfei Luo, Teng Zhang, et al.
[2]High Performance Thermal Diode UsingPolyethylene Nanofibers, American Chemical Society (ACS), 10万美, 2013, Tengfei Luo, Teng Zhang, et al.
[3]High Performance Thermal Diode Using Polyethylene Nanofibers – A Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Study, Xtrm Sci.and Eng.Disc. (XSEDE), 50万美金, 2011, Tengfei Luo, Teng Zhang, et al.
[1]Extremely High Thermal Conductivity of Aligned Polyacetylene Predicted using First-Principles-Informed United-Atom Force Field,T Zhang,* J Xu, T Luo,* ES Energy & Environment 6, 67-73, 2022
[2]Dual-mode solid-state thermal rectification,R Shrestha, Y Luan, X Luo, S Shin, T Zhang, P Smith, W Gong, M Bockstaller, T Luo, R Chen, K Hippalgaonkar & S Shen,* Nature communications 11 (1), 1-7, 2020
[3]High-contrast and reversible polymer thermal regulator by structural phase transition,R Shrestha, Y Luan, S Shin, T Zhang, X Luo, JS Lundh, W Gong, M R Bockstaller, S Choi, T Luo, R Chen, K Hippalgaonkar 6, S Shen,* Science advances 5 (12), eaax3777, 2019
[4]Crystalline polymer nanofibers with ultra-high strength and thermal conductivity,R Shrestha, P Li, B Chatterjee, T Zhang, X Wu, Z Liu, T Luo, S Choi, K Hippalgaonkar, M P de Boer* & S Shen,* Nature communications 9 (1), 1664, 2018
[5]Thermal energy transport across hard–soft interfaces,X Wei, T Zhang, T Luo,* ACS Energy Letters 2 (10), 2283-2292, 2017
[6]Role of hydrogen bonds in thermal transport across hard/soft material interfaces,T Zhang, AR Gans-Forrest, E Lee, X Zhang, C Qu, Y Pang, F Sun, T Luo,* ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (48), 33326-33334, 2016
[7]Thermal Diodes: Giant Thermal Rectification from Polyethylene Nanofiber Thermal Diodes,T Zhang, T Luo,* Small 11 (36), 4657-4665, 2015
[8]Polymer nanofibers with outstanding thermal conductivity and thermal stability: fundamental linkage between molecular characteristics and macroscopic thermal properties,T Zhang, X Wu, T Luo,* The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (36), 21148-21159, 2014
[9]Thermal Transport: Molecular Bridge Enables Anomalous Enhancement in Thermal Transport across Hard‐Soft Material Interfaces,F Sun, [+] T Zhang, [+] MM Jobbins, Z Guo, X Zhang, Z Zheng, D Tang, S Ptasinska, T Luo,* Advanced Materials 26 (35), 6093-6099, 2014 ([+] These authors contributed equally to this work)
[10]High-contrast, reversible thermal conductivity regulation utilizing the phase transition of polyethylene nanofibers,T Zhang, T Luo,* ACS nano 7 (9), 7592-7600, 2013