华中科技大学能源与动力学院 副教授
邮箱: zhouxiafeng@hust.edu.cn
[1]国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,反应堆多系统基于边界耦合的JFNK全局收敛模型及预处理加速方法研究,2021.01—2023.12, 24万元,主持.
[5]中国核动力研究设计院,堆芯细网输运瞬态加速计算及相关技术研究,2022.12—2024.12, 135万,主持.
[1]周夏峰.基于节块展开法的JFNK联立求解耦合系统的方法研究,清华大学出版社,北京, 2020
[1] Xiafeng Zhou. Preconditioned Jacobian-free Newton Krylov coarse mesh finite difference acceleration algorithm based on two-node high-order nodal expansion method for three-dimensional pin-by-pin multiphysics coupled models. Computer Physics Communications. 282 (2023), 108509.
[2] Xiafeng Zhou, Changming Zhong, Yangyi Zhang. Jacobian-free Newton Krylov two-node coarse mesh finite difference based on nodal expansion method for multiphysics coupled models. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 168 (2022), 108825.
[3] Xiafeng Zhou, Dengying Wang, Fu Li. Jacobian-free Newton Krylov nodal expansion method in three-dimensional cylindrical coordinates. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 166 (2022), 108825.
[4] Xiafeng Zhou, Changming Zhong, Zhongchun Li, Fu Li. Preconditioned Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov fully implicit high order WENO schemes and flux limiter methods for two-phase flow models. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 54 (2022), 49-60.
[5] Xiafeng Zhou. Jacobian-free Newton Krylov two-node coarse mesh finite difference based on nodal expansion method. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 54 (2022), 3059-3072.
[6] Xiafeng Zhou, Changming Zhong, Fu Li. Delta-form-based method of solving high order spatial discretization schemes for neutron transport. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 53(2021), 2084-2094.
[7] Xiafeng Zhou, Zhaoli Guo. Discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for steady multiscale neutron transport. Journal of Computational Physics. 423 (2020), 109767.
[8] Xiafeng Zhou, Changming Zhong, Jie Hou, Fu Li. A unified space-time fully-transversed general nodal expansion method for multidimensional and multigroup steady and transient nuclear reactor neutronics problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 132 (2019), 427-441
[9] Xiafeng Zhou, Fu Li. Jacobian Free Newton Krylov nodal expansion methods with physics-based preconditioner and local elimination for three-dimeystemnsional and multigroup k-eigenvalue problems. Nuclear Science and Engineering. 190 (2018), 238-257.
[10] Xiafeng Zhou, Fu Li. General nodal expansion method for multi-dimensional neutronics/thermal-hydraulic coupled problems in pebble-bed core. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 116 (2018), 10-19.