报告摘要:In this talk, we concern with two-person zero-sum Markov games in discrete-time, and will introduce a new performance criterion. More precisely, we consider the probability that the payoff exceeds a level, which means a security probability for player 1 and risk probability for player 2. Under a suitable condition on the primitive data of the game model, we not only establish the existence of the game’s value and a pair of optimal policies, but also provide a recursive way of computing the value of the game and optimal policies. Finally, we illustrate some applications of our main results with an example.
报告人简介:郭先平,博士生导师,担(曾)任国际(SCI)杂志 Advances in Applied Probability,Journal of Applied Probability,Science China Mathematics,Journal of Dynamics and Games,及国内期刊《中国科学:数学》、《应用数学学报》、《应用概率统计》、《运筹学学报》等杂志编委。研究兴趣为马氏决策过程、随机博弈、风险控制、排队优化等。